About us
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About us

Alba Partners S.r.l. is a Roman company dealing with consultancy in subsidized finance, born with the aim of providing assistance for all the subsidies available for the companies, both in the form of tenders (national and regional), or under the form of automatic incentives.

The company is structured with an organization chart based on: Research Department, Engineering, Production and Sales Department.

The main elements of distinction are the following:

  • The Research Department ensures a constant updating about the regulations (new tenders, as well as decrees and circulars of the AE) and training for all its collaborators.
  • The “safety” of the work carried out, the professionalism of the procedures developed and the technical-engineering certifications issued are guaranteed by the fact that each activity is certified by sworn appraisals, with which we “put our face”.
  • The company has also a specific insurance coverage for consultancy in Subsidized Finance, which can also cover any administrative penalties.
  • From the beginning Alba Partners has developed an integrated approach to Subsidized Finance. The “Single Dossier” represents a “unique” tool for the company and its accountant, through which all the technical-engineering certifications are available and which justify the tax benefits that the customer can enjoy during the year.
  • The monthly newsletters inform the customers and spread our knowledge on national and regional tenders, as well as on any other facilitated finance opportunity.
  • Our company can currently count on 200 consultancy contracts and around 100 clients, who have been granted with a total amount of non-repayable grants exceeding 10 million euros.

Our Team

Luigi D’Angelo

Co-founder and CEO
Responsible of the Engineering Department

Born in 1973, graduated at La Sapienza University in Rome, he qualified as engineer at Parma University. Later he achieved a university diploma in Business Administration, with specialization in Economics and Business Finance, at the Mip Polytechnic of Milan in 2006 . Engineer D’Angelo was a member of the Commission of the Engineers Order in the Province of Rome and project manager in financial consulting projects, such as: Kamps Group (Germany) on behalf of Barilla; Stet Hellas (Greece) for TIM; Dyckerhoff (Germany) for Buzzi Unicem.

He worked in the Subsidized Finance field for over 20 years as management framework and project manager for the main Italian consulting companies, with the role of writing and coordinating projects for incentives and funds of MiSE on behalf of important clients, including Bulgari and Margaritelli Group.

He certified over 500 tax benefits practices in the field of Research and Development and Industry 4.0, writing, among others, the FCS tender by the Ministry of Economic Development on behalf of Vodafone and Salini Impregilo

Davide di Battista

Co-founder and Administrator

Marketing & HR Department Manager

Angelo di Giorgio

Co-founder and Administrator

Administrative Department Manager

Born in 1964. Dr. Angelo Di Giorgio graduated in Economics and Commerce with full marks. He is registered in the National Register of Chartered Accountants since 1990 and in the National Register of Auditors since its creation in April 1995. Dr. Di Giorgio worked as an auditor for many companies operating in the industry, publishing and insurance fields. He attended professional refresher courses held annually by the company in accounting and auditing. Dr. Di Giorgio holds the position of Statutory Auditor or Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of industrial, real estate and services companies.

He is a member of the board of directors of industrial companies, Director of real estate companies. Angelo di Giorgio was accredited as a “Tutor” at BicLazio to provide start-up advice to new businesses. He works as a technical consultant on behalf of bankruptcy trustees; he collaborated with an important financial company to evaluate the projects presented by leading industries regarding Manfredonia area contract; he worked as bankruptcy trustee at the Bankruptcy Court of Rome; he is the Judge’s Technical Consultant for administrative, fiscal and business matters at the Civil Court of Rome; he is the Judge’s Technical Consultant for administrative, fiscal and business matters at the Criminal Law Court of Rome. Dr. Di Giorgio is co-founder and director of Alba Partners srl.

Mariano Di Trolio

Subsidized Financing Manager
(Tenders and Automatic Incentives areas)

Born in 1975, he graduated in Political Science at the University of Naples “Federico II”. He specialized in economic, financial planning and state accounting, with a drafting on the Budget Law,by the Association for Research and Studies on Political Representation in Elective Assemblies (ARSAE) and the V Permanent Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic. Dr. Di Trolio achieved the Phdin in Political Science and Institutions in Europe by the University of Naples “Federico II”.At the same University he was adjunct professor and teaching assistant in Economic History and Economic History of Europe. Author of publications in nationally important journals and recipient of important awards, scholarships and research. He also achived a Master Degree in Corporate Finance and Business Financing. He worked in the field of subsidized finance for over 15 years on behalf of leading companies on national level. In the recent years, Dr. Di Trolio specialized in raising funds through both through the participation in national and regional tenders, and through the access to automatic measures. An area of particular interest is that of innovative start-up which has seen the realization of some relevant success cases such as, among others, Pharmercure srl,astart-up of Turin, inserted among the best Healthcare start up in Southern Europe, which applied to an important Piedmont regional tender, obtaining a very significant grant for its growth and consolidation. Finally, he gained important experience in the editing of business planand bank rating calculation for the access to ordinary finance channels, as well as in the management of practices for access toCentral Guarantee Fund Managed by Mediocredito Centrale (MCC).

Rossella Perrotta

Automatic Incentives Department Coordinator

Born in 1968, after graduating in Accounting, she started her profession by practicing at a commercial firm in Rome, specializing in the management of Accounting and Finance. Later, she covered the position of Financial Manager for over 10 years at a French multinational belonging to Vincì Group. In those years she dealt with management control, treasury and finance, drafting of economic and financial budgets, collaborating with large industrial companies, such as Astaldi – Toto – Impregilo – Strabag – Salini – Pavimental.

In the last years she specialized in consultancy in the field of Subsidized Finance, with particular attention to the automatic access tax breaks provided for by the Transition Plan 4.0, such as the 4.0 Training Tax Credit, the Research & Development, Innovation and Design Tax Credit.

Loredana Latorraca

Tenders Department Coordinator

Born in 1990, graduated in Law in 2014, she obtained a second level Master degree in Forensic Sciences at La Sapienza University of Rome in 2016. From 2014 to 2017 she carries out her legal practice following both criminal and civil cases and in particular concerning administrative law. In the same period she attended a high-level training course for the legal professions during which she met the State Attorney Basilica with whom he published several contributions in the volumes “30 opinions on criminal law”, “30 opinions on civil law” published by Nel Diritto Editore

In 2017 she came into contact with subsidized finance by the company Software House in Florence until May 2018, when she found work by a subsidized finance company in Rome. Throughout this period she mainly deals with the INAIL ISI call for safety in the workplace, collaborating with engineers and agricultural experts for the preparation of appraisals and metric calculations. Expert in tenders at Regional, National and European level with focus on Internationalization, Digitization and Ecological Transition. The main Bodies with which she worked are: Lazio and Calabria Innova (GecoWeb portal), Invitalia, Fare Lazio, MISE, CCIAA of the whole national territory, etc.

Debora Reverberi

Head of Research Department

Born in 1980, she graduated with final vote of 110/110 in Management Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of Brescia University and subsequently graduated with 110/110 with honors in Economics and Business Management and in Business Consulting and Freelance at the Faculty of Economics of Brescia University. Qualified as an engineer and registered in the register of the province of Brescia, section A, during and after economic studies, she gained experience with accountants, acquiring skills in civil and corporate tax compliance, consulting for businesses and professionals.

Since 2017, taking advantage of the possibility of synergistically exploiting the technical skills with the economic and fiscal ones, she specialized in consulting for companies about the facilities related to the National Industry 4.0 Plan (now called Transition 4.0), dealing with appraisals, reporting, due diligence and technical opinions. on hyper-depreciation, tax credit for investments in capital goods, R&D tax credit, training tax credit 4.0 and from 2022 the new Patent Box regime.

Since July 2017 she has been a publicist for the magazine “EcNews” as well as, currently, for the magazine “Heritage, finance, internationalization” published by Euroconference s.p.a. In the last years she has been speaker, for the Euroconference Group, Masters in the field of incentives 4.0, seminars on tax credits, also in relation to the control activities of the assessing bodies and the compilation of the declaration forms, and of the Master Short editions 2021/2022 and 2022/2023.

She is also a university lecturer at “CUOA Business School” management school on tax incentives and concessions.

Chiara Giulietti

Subsidized Finance Consultant


Federico D’Angelo

Subsidized Finance Consultant

Engineering Department

Born in 1995, he graduated in Economics & Finance at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. After graduation, he earned several masters with specializations in Project Management, Blockchain Technology and Business Administration. Parallel to his studies, Dr. D’Angelo began his career as a consultant in Subsidized Finance, specializing in consulting and reporting on the subsidy measures provided for by the New Transition Plan 4.0.

These activities, which he has been carrying out for several years, led Dr. D’Angelo to collaborate with important heterogeneous players in the Italian market such as: Rome Airports, Leroy Merlin, ESRI Italia and Crédit Agricole.

In addition to consulting in the field of subsidized finance, Dr. D’Angelo held the role of Project Manager in the management of innovative projects related to the development of new technologies and cutting-edge solutions, collaborating among others, with Renault and Axepta BNP Paribas .

Simona Bisillo

Subsidized Finance Consultant

Engineering Department

Born in 1973, she graduated in Mechanical Engineering at La Sapienza University in Rome. In the same university she obtained a PhD in Industrial Production Engineering, dealing with eco-sustainable design and eco-compatible products. After qualifying as an Engineer, she specialized in writing and managing European projects (direct funds), mainly Life.

She actively participated in the writing of numerous Life projects, three of which approved by the European Commission: the Mo.Re. & Mo.Re Project (LIFE08 ENV / IT / 000437) and the LifeGoPark Project (LIFE12INF / IT / 000571), both co-financed by Lazio Region, which was also the coordinating beneficiary, and the Life4MarPiccolo Project (LIFE14ENV / IT / 000461), which saw the participation of Enea Trisaia and CNR Irsa – Taranto branch. In all the three projects, Eng. Bisillo also covered the role of technical and economic assistant of the project manager.

For client companies, she has been in charge of writing and managing projects relating to regional and national tenders. For over 15 years, she has also been involved in consulting and training projects for companies in the role of project manager, and for over the years she has collaborated with numerous clients, including: Grandi Lavori Fincosit SpA, BNP – Real Estate, Janssen, P&G, BCC Solutions, De Sanctis Costruzioni SpA.

Gioia Romana Hartung

Head of CRM Major Customers

Born in 1990, graduated in Political Science at La Sapienza University in Rome.

She started her career in the Subsidized Finance field in 2018 by a consulting firm in Rome specializing in Subsidized finance. She put particular attention to the automatic access tax concessions provided by the Transition Plan 4.0, such as the 4.0 Training Tax Credit, the Research & Development, Innovation and Design Tax Credit, participating as a speaker at several webinars and conferences for important associations at national level) . In the last two years she has also dealt with calls at national, regional and municipal level up to the presentation of some calls related to the PNRR.


Our numbers

The success formula of ALBA PARTNERS can be summarized in flexibility, in the ability to establish solid collaborative relationships with customers and in the availability of a network of highly qualified resources (consultants, trainers and temporary managers).






Our team


New methodology

ALBA PARTNERS was born from the meeting and synergy of specialized professionals with different skills, which led to the sharing of a new and innovative methodology, thought and conceived on the basis of the experience gained over the years alongside the companies.

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